Sunday, November 24, 2019


This means you can create a download queue containing d2x cIOSs, and re-use the same download queue even as the d2x cIOSs get updated. ModMii's other forwarder channels were also updated to v11c. It will now also check if d2x-beta cIOSs are installed when a d2x beta cIOS is activated instead of always checking for the d2x version included with ModMii. Fixed bug where drag and drop support did not work when items were dragged into ModMii. Updated Multi-Mod Manager download from v modmii 6.2.3

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Mmodmii mejoras hasta el momento son pocas, pero si han dado una buena estabilidad a los cIOSy esta comprobado por muchos usuarios It now includes a 10ms sleep in order to maintain 0 CPU usage even on older computers. Just sit back and relax with Modmii's new superior gaming skills.

Updated JoyFlow to v2.

ModMii changelog

Just use the manual boot. Fixed bug where ModMii Skin would not operate properly if the drive settings ended with a forward slash or back slash.

modmii 6.2.3

Advanced Custom Downloads now support batch downloads instead of being limited to one advanced download at a time. Windows 7 gets Direct X 12 support alexanderMar 13,in forum: As a result, the ModMii Wizard no longer needs to ask if the Wii has been region changed. A big thank you goes out to giantpune for creating Wilbrand and allowing ModMii to share it with the world.

Fixed bug in Advanced downloads where some files were not being constructed. Updated nswitch channel to v1.

Bundled prepared download queues for users to easily grab files from NUS for future use. Pero me gusta siempre, si hay algo nuevo y lo uso, tener la ultima version; aunque sea beta.

modmii 6.2.3

No, create an account now. Also, you'll hopefully hear more from me when I eventually create my "XFlak" webpage for my other small projects that I've been working on, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Modmii can now beat the games you have trouble with!

6.5.1 Changelog:

Entering nothing on the Download Log page no longer sends non-donators to the credits page again. Other minor changes and code clean-up. Fixed bug where configurator for configurable usb-loader was not being extracted properly.

Did ModMii work for you? It now uses scooby's cmd mdmii version of Leathl's Theme Mii. Removed Extra Brick Protection option. ModMii, now popping more cherries than Hugh Hefner. Fixed Hash Check bug causing the check to fail when the USA Weather Channel was downloaded Uses a newer version of WadMii cwstjdenobs' 2nd WadMiiIsh modit works exactly the same at the last one, but with some code cleaned mormii and no verbose output 4.

A mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo, no consigo descargar nada Working together on this was a truly rewarding and fun experience for both of us and we hope it brings a little "Team Your Mom" XMAS cheer to you this year.

Updated hash for the new HackMii Installer v0. On a personal note, it was a pleasure collaborating with davebaol on this.

modmii 6.2.3

Added a command to install an extra folder of WADs to an emulated nand. The patched IOS60 is now installed to all system menu slots to protect against bricks. Previously ModMii would crash if the user inputted setting with quotes.

Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

However, if a 4. The bug was only reported by two users but they were not able modmki test these changes. Official Windows Support Hide similar threads. Currently only supports Dora the Explorer:

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